Front end alignment

You need to get yourself a real computer. This nonsense of using a phone to run this board does not work. There is far too much 'stuff' here to figure things out on a 1" square display.

As Rob said, you need to measure caster/ camber. There are several ways to do that. You can build your own camber gauge and compute caster, or you can buy a number of reasonable priced gauges, or in my case, I picked up some front end alignment "stuff" cheap.

Go to AllPar

and use their "skosh chart."

Toe is a simple matter, but you have to do it RIGHT. You need to establish a scribe line on the tires so that you have the ROTATIONAL PLANE of the tires That is, jack up, use a homemade scribe like a nail in a board under your knee, etc, and rotate the tire to scribe around. You can also use paint or tape for more "contrast."

Then simply measure front and rear and take the difference. Measure as close as possible to the same height as the spindle. USE YOUR BRAIN. If the tires measure LONGER in front, than rear, they are toed OUT. RECHECK, it's easy to lose 1/8" if you aren't careful.

If you get the toe "right" but the steering wheel is not centered going down the street, you'll have to "walk" one tie rod one way, and the other side the other way, to bring the wheel back centered. RECHECK toe.


Some of my "used crap" I've picked up

I bought an old Ammco caster / camber gauge, the wheel adapters for them, the tire swivel plates, and a POS toe gauge for a little over a hundred bucks. Since I usually work alone, I bought another toe gauge setup off ebay fairly reasonable, which I had to modify. (It was for trucks) If I did it again, I'd just BUILD one.