Rebuilt Engine, Super Low Oil Pressure :(

Now are you sure you have the right pickup tube ? and did you check that it was not resting on the pan ? silly putty works good for that lol

I used the one that was in it before the rebuild, and it had good oil pressure. I didn't check the clearance, but I do remember it didn't thread all the way back in, but stopped turning so I assumed it was where it should be.

Possible crack in pick up tube, sucking air? Also check pressure bypass valve in pump, might be stuck open, or even missing.

I will check, crossing my fingers its as simple as that.

Did you plasti-gauge the bearings? If they are too tight, well, oil is gonna have a hard time flowing to say the least.

Did not plasti-guage. Didn't think it was necessary. Is that standard or overkill?

When you installed the gauge, did you use a new sending unit?

No, but I replaced the sending unit with an electric gauge to make sure it wasn't the sending unit, and it confirmed the low oil pressure.

I always take apart my pumps before putting them on. Every one has had machining shavings in them. Just an idea, it could be the problem?

Another possibility I will check into. I didn't dissassemble it.

now that you say that it got me thinking... when they returned you the motor and or parts what was the deal? you assemble? was it assembled? I ask because if your assembling it you need to do a final clean on the block and parts as well as gauge everything.

I assembled. I did a wipe down and blasted it with compressed air, but I didn't clean the new pump I put on.

If shavings were to accumulate somewhere, is there a spot where they would generally accumulate to create blockage?