alignment woes ..offset bushings

The problem is automakers have been making cars that all alignment mechanics have to do is "set the toe and let it go". Caster and camber adjustments are rare. Adjustments are usually PRESENT, but spot welds have to be drilled, knockouts have to be punched, cams installed, blah blah blah. Who wants to do that when they have 20 more 15 minute alignments behind that problem child to rake in commission on?

The best thing to do in a perfect world is similar to what green1 said. Learn to do it yourself. There is nothing on the front end of a car that is beyond grammar school geometry. Nothing. Summit sells some nice caster/camber gauges. You can ***** about the cost, but three alignments later, they're paid for. Do alignments for friends. At least that way, you can make some money at it and they will have somebody that knows what's goin on.