Darts assemble!

If I paid someone to do all the work on my cars I'd either be beyond broke or wouldn't have anything at all. Being resourceful and learning things as you go makes it all worth the while in the end. People that shell out tens of thousands on full restos and all they know how to do is turn the key get 0 respect from me. In my opinion they miss all the fruits of saying that "I built that". Even if you are Rollin around in a wreck that's in progress and you are doing it all yourself on a limited budget like myself, I'd look at that first before a trailer queen.

On the other side of the coin, there are folks like me whose bank account is bigger that their knowledge, and believe me, (both are moderate). I'll do a lot of the stuff myself, but there are things I don't feel comfortable attempting. I don't mind trying new things, like painting a picture, but, if I paint a bad picture, I won't die in a firery crash. Knowing how to do something and actually being able to do it are two different things.