student reprimanded for tackling a knife wielding classmate

I got into the same type deal, only a lot less violent, in high school. We had one out and out bully. Now I was never much of a fighter, but you can push me "so far." I was talking to a kid I knew, and the bully came up behind, knocked his books out to get him to turn around and then slammed the kid's locker door into him.

I saw him coming, knew his history, and "something happened." So I belted him one

We had a "jock run letterman/ kangeroo student court" and they wanted me to come out Saturday and pickup trash.

I bet some of those guys --still alive-- STILL remember that conversation

I had had enough. Told them in so many words to "f off" you guys know this kid is a bully and he has.......etc.

I guess they had no actual authority, as I got into no further trouble.

So, "this ****" started way back then. This was 1965

By the way, the bully got killed. We used to have a REAL wind-ey two lane highway, he passed a car on a windy curve and got hit head on. Car 1, bike zero. Seriously dead.