My Molasses rust experiment results.

I use this method also but i use old transformers like phone chargers andthe chargers you plug in anything cordless. Recycling,I,m sure everyone has a few old ones of these lying around.Why wear out the battery charger. The little phone chargers dont use much juice and do a good job. Just cut the ends off and add gator clips.


Good tip....the charge I use has had better days...was going to throw it out but the hoarder in me just wouldn't let me.. I do have a bunch of the other in some drawer :)

And to Mr. Bold, I was only providing information because Bighammer asked me to explain..not because I wanted to hijack your thread..that is what people do on this board, trade information. Sorry you feel this I bold this ?

Lastly, keeping abound food stuffs that have gone bad in a serious way doesn't sound too healthy to me...especially confined indoors..I would ask my doctor before I ventured into this one..