Body Filler Preferences

I also use a polyester primer on top of body work that is extensive, to help level the entire area. A lot of it comes off, but it really puts a nice even sand scratch coat on the entire car that doesn't shrink like some 2k primers can and show up in metalics and clears, weeks after. I usually step away from doing filler work at 80 grit, then go straight to poly primer and sand it with 320 linear paper on a 2 foot longboard, dry with a guide coat. Tells you everything. After that, I prime with 2k, let it sit for a week, block sand with guide coat on linear P400 grit, do it again and hit it with 600 wet on a block, with more guide coat. That checks out with some 100k neon tube lights in the booth to tell me if it's straight enough to paint.

That small repair should do fine with an epoxy primer in the small areas, blended base and cleared with blend solvent wherever you choose to stop, if you choose to blend.

Please clarify. Are you doing poly high build, then 2K high build?