Feeling a little guilty

You're a really cool guy who was able to help him in a pinch! No need to feel guilty. You went above and beyond!

I wanna hear about your macaroni salad recipe, don't hold out on us......:D

Pete, I'm thinking you're probably going to see him in the future. If you still feel this way when you see him you could do whatever you think.
In the meantime, you did what most guys wouldn't do. You helped a complete stranger who knocked on your door asking for a longshot maybe. That's totally commendable my friend and he wanted to reward you for being you.
Don't feel guilty but follow your heart when the time comes if your in the notion and not cash strapped.
By the way....I'd like to knock on your door when I need help too. Inspirational.

Thanks you all so very much for the compliments :prayer: It's just who I am.
If ya really want to hear about my mac salad recipe i'll tell ya. I do get people asking me to bring it to functions so it must be ok.
67dart or any one else out there if you were ever in need and I could help I would hope you would look me up. I'd be honored. I was going to say I'd help any stranger that knocked at my door...but I think I already did that. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside :D