Mopar State

There are several states with no inspections, SC,OK,TN,FL,and there are a lot of others pick one.

Good luck getting a consensus, LOL.

For me most any NE state is out, as is the Dakotas, and maybe Montana and the N end of Idaho where I live. (winters)

Out for a variety of reasons are WA, OR, CA, most any of the S which includes FL, and any other state with a bunch of stupid (and anti gun) laws I don't wanna live in Utah, and none of the states bordering the great lakes.

AZ is attractive at first, if you don't mind having a nuclear powered AC unit, and the populated areas DO have smog laws which (stupidly) go back to at least 67 -- cars which were never intended nor never had any smog controls, unless sold in CA

(A reminder to you AZ guys, you need to work on getting these stupid laws recinded. Just how much smog can "a few" old collector cars, driven very infrequently generate??)

Ok, so now that "we" have eliminated about 70 % of the US what's left, LOL?