dart sport build

It is the OP's first car. A V-8 swap is pretty ambitious, and likely to lead to an unfinished car that sits for years and frustrates the owner. I know some claim they can do a swap in an afternoon, but I would like to see that video. You are usually replacing the entire drivetrain, then brakes, suspension, ...

First define what you call "power". Most of the public define a "powerful engine" as one that pulls away strongly from a stop sign. That is not power, but torque, and a low-gear rear-end and small tires increases that. A racing cam and high-stall torque converter decreases that, unless you rev the engine with your foot on the brake like drag racers do, but that would look stupid in normal driving. Max power comes with the engine screaming at >4000 rpm, such as driving around in 1st gear. You could do that, but you'd look foolish and like you are trying too hard. A 225 is pretty good for torque if tuned well.

Sound is subjective. Most people here like a "lopey idle" from a high-lift, high overlap "racing cam" like the MegaThumper. Some are so bad, they can barely idle and give off clouds of noxious fumes, plus terrible gas mileage in daily driving. I think they sound like a defective engine with a bad muffler, but to each his own, as long as you don't pollute the air I breathe.