Advaned Auto parts GENIUSES!!

I actually worked at AZ for 10 years, store manager, district manager and regional trainer. I was also a store manager for CQ and currently run a Hub store for Oreilly.

They ALL have there challenges as far as staffing. there are good stores with managers who can and do recruit good people and others that just cant. But what I don't understand is we all have computers and supposedly the knowledge of these not so common cars. They also have an online parts catalog that we can look up our own parts, check stock, and price. But we continue to complain about how stupid these guys are that are just trying to help you. It really doesn't require a ton of knowledge to take care of 99% of the people who come in. I look up and get the parts numbers that I need write them down and give it to the counter guy.
Do you know why they look for customer service over part knowledge. I can teach one, the other is a gift. When you deal with stupid people all day. It is hard to keep good people under those circumstances.

Instead of telling the guy you did a retrofit why not tell him what the retrofit was? They are not mind readers I doubt he was alive when that car was built or has a lot of dealings with them even if it were a 70 let alone a 63 to know if it could have disc brakes or not. He is going by what you said then you get angry and the whole situation degrades from there. That is exactly why customer service is more important. Just saying, take it for what it's worth.

They deal with enough people who do not even know the brand of car they drive, tweeked out, drunk, don't speak English, thieves, etc etc etc. Hell they are just trying to make a living and put food on the table, Like you. I assure they aren't paid well.