starter/exhaust HELP!!!!! :(

we have a 69 dart 340 with hipo manis on it, take it to get exhaust done and we have barely any room between the torsion bar and starter, which was a mini starter the first time, the motor or the starter hangs over too far, so he tells us to go back with a factory starter so we go get one from advance and boom the starter motor is positioned up high enough but now the solenoid is giving us less clearance than the mini starter lol, i was thinking about going to the junkyard in the morning and getting a magnum starter off of a v8 dakota or ram and trying my luck with that. has ANYONE ever bumped into this problem before or have a solution? or do they make a starter that has the motor shifted up higher? thanks for any help and its a piece of 2 1/2 pipe in the pic and its been smashed already lol