Advaned Auto parts GENIUSES!!

Always use the KISS method when speaking to these folks. KISS = keep it simple stupid. If not, you might confuse them =).
Guess my point and used what you said as just an example, not to pick, of what gets thrown at them a hundred times a day plus all the demands the company puts on their shoulders.

These aren't the old days that is for sure. Now everyone who enters the store is pissed off, car broke down, no money to fix, late or missed work, don't know what they need, don't know how to fix it. cant afford to pay someone to fix it.... guess who bears the brunt of their anger ALL DAY LONG? The stupid kid behind the counter who is likely untrained, under paid and over worked with little to no back up. God forbid there is a line of impatient people talking smack, groaning etc etc. Yes it is frustrating, it is on both sides. I groan when I leave one of those stores. I am happy at Oreilly they want you selling parts not dusting shelves or selling a packet of this or a bottle of that or you will get your arse chewed.
The old parts guys, seems, they cant keep up with the pace and hate today's retail. When at CQ a customer would walk in and they would turn and ignore them. That surely is real helpful?! And these guys were paid and paid well. I know you've seen that too,
If you want to pay someone to look up a simple part for you go to NAPA or CQ and pay 20 for 10 brake pads. I spend a minute and save the 10. I will also know if they have it or not, as to not waste my time driving there.

There are good stores and bad I /we have seen it first hand believe me.