65 Barracuda Gasser + 1956 325 Dodge Hemi Build

Worked on the engine again last night and of course I forgot the camera ](*,).
We got the valve covers on and spark plug tubes in and lined up and spun the oil pump. Right off the bat we had 55# oil pressure. Good, but we ended up having to do some trouble shooting as we weren't getting any oil up top to the rockers. Rob is a great troubleshooter and soon had a calculated way to trace the oil flow. A little more cranking and we had oil gushing out everywhere. yeah! I'll remember the camera next time and bring you all up to date photo-wise the next time.
Fastfish.....I spent quite some time looking for the right color and size breathers for the valve covers. When I finally was satisfied there I carefully drilled the proper sized holes in the valve coves and inserted rubber grommets the size of the breather tube. I can't recall seeing another set like this, but I think they look great and go well with the other blue elements on the engine. I'll take some pics of the installation from inside the cover and show you......thanks for asking.
Best, Chip