A question to those that have a snorkel..

I was unaware that this unit was called anything else :)

On my hood, none of the factory holes lined up but that wasn't my question..I shall try to be clearer.

I am not concerned about the holes for installation and rust but more so the large (maybe 5 inches round) that feeds into the engine compartment. I do remember that there is a factory grommet for a factory size hole but for the last time I looked, it was expensive. My air filter unit looks something like this..


I am concerned that water will be sucked in through the carb..

Or does the way the air flows over the bonnet that very little water (or bugs) gets pushed down the scoop ?

The other thing I noticed was that many of the attachment holes in the bonnet for the scoop lay on the bracing of the internal bracing of the bonnet. Do I take a small hole cutter and cut around the hole or do I just used the posts that the nuts will go on ?
