A question to those that have a snorkel..


I cannot seem to make your link work :(

The way I did mine was to flip the scoop on it's back. I then placed a large piece of cardboard (from a box) on the bottom and pressed down.

i then drilled the first hole from the upside engine bonnet where the scoop should fit. I then flipped the engine bonnet over, placed a drill bit in the hole and placed the cardboard template over it. i placed a mark with a marker in each hole. I then placed a piece of tape over the mark and went through the earlier procedure with a marker..I measured a few holes..found that I was sitting straight..used a punch to give the drill bit a start and drilled the holes. Worked perfectly. It looks great on the hood.


I love it but doesn't that feed water into the carb on rainy days ? Where did you find the bottom piece ? It sure looks like the engine can breath better..
