Any real estate guru's here?

Have a question for anyone that knows real estate or who has been thru a similar situation.

My mother passed away recently and my father passed away 4 years ago. My to sisters and I are in the will and basically everything is to be divided up between us. The house I am currently living in was my parents home. There is no equity left in the house, they refinanced a few times. Currently the house is worth less than what is owned on it.

Now to my question. In cases like this does the house/mortgage fall to us 3 kids? Are we now responsible for it? If it forcloses does that affect us 3?

When the will was read by my mother's executor (her friend) she basically said that the 3 of us now own the house and that I should continue paying the mortgage on it so that it doesn't hurt us credit wise.

No matter which way things go, I know that we are losing the house. That is fine. What I am worried about is that financially I am in a bad spot and if I pay the mortgage I will only be able to do so for one more month. When the time comes that I have to be out of this house I need to have every penny I can get my hands on and paying the mortgage will hurt what little moving money I will have.

Anyway, I hope this made sense and if there is anyone that has been there or knows some of the legalities of these situations, I would really appreciate any info you can give me. If I can't figure this out on my own I will eat the consultation fee and seek legal advice, but was hoping to not have to spend the money if I don't have to. Have a good one all and thanks again!
