Stiff pedal with kickdown hooked up. Help please!

I messed with the duster some more today guys. I played around with the routing of it....adjustments,connection, checkec everything again (all hooked up and again all unhooked) and still was baffled at why it felt the way it did.

I then took a bunch of pictures aswell as some video in preperation to share on the thread. And then right before I called it a night I remembered what fishy68 and trailbeast had posted about lubing the cable. ( I had already sprayed some kroil down the line once before trying to see if it would help....but apparently not well enough) this time I disconnected the cable from the bracket and aimed it in the air so that gravity would pull the fluid down and I sprayed a liberal amount. I then hooked it back up and checked it again and there was a HUGE difference in how the pedal felt!!!! .....its still a TAD stiffer than I like but im still not confident that the spray made it down the entire length of the cable. so I am going to do as suggested and pick up some graphite spray and do the compressed air trick as mentioned to make sure it makes its way all the way down the cable.

Thanks to those who chimed in with ideas and thanks a ton too the two of you that I mentioned above.....I am just glad I wasnt to stubborn to give the spray a second try or id still be chasing my tail HAHAHA.

the cable felt nice and free when moved by hand but things must have tightened up under a load when hooked to the linkage.

Thanks again guys.....I just hope that if anyone else runs into a similar problem that they stumble on this thread first before going through all the dinking around I did before narrowing down the problem.