pass that test.

A woman was on a fishing trip with her husband. Early one morning, while her husband was sleeping in, she took the boat out into the middle of the lake and relaxed in the early morning sunshine and read a book. Pretty soon, a Lake Patrol boat pulled up next to the boat, and the Patrol Officer asked the woman for her fishing license. "Fishing license? But I'm not fishing!" the woman protested. The officer pointed at the fishing poles in the boat, and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you've got the equipment with you. Either you produce a license, or I'm going to have to issue you a citation and confiscate the equipment and the boat!" The woman looked at the officer for a moment, then said, "If you do, then I'm going to tell everyone that you raped me out here!" The officer sputtered for a moment, and then said, "But that's not true! I never touched you!" The woman smiled, and said "But you've got the equipment!"