getting smoke blown up my patootie

last week I responded to a mechanic job and I got a call about it acouple of days ago. the service manager wanted me to come in and have a chat with me, so I did and thought it went pretty well. he then informs me to stop back by in acouple of days so I did. then he informs me that the guy I would be replacing is now on the fence about leaving even after he put in his 2 weeks notice. so he then tells me to call him today around 8am to see if the guy showed up for work or not. so I call and to find out the service manager isn't even there I was told he had a doc. apt. and wont be in till noon. this is frickin B.S!! why give a guy the frickin run around either tell me you want me or not. all for a damn lube tech position. I know damn sure it wasn't from lack of experience or tools. long haired mopar people need not apply at Chevrolet dealerships

dude i had the same problem but at a gmc dealership. i kept trying to get
ahold of the manager and it was like trying to find a ghost. i first applied in
late December and had a job interview. thought it went very well but he
never called me back. my buddy works their and after six months they went
through three other people weather they quit or got fired. they can't even try
to hire a long hair that will most likley stay at the same job for more than a