Soliciting phone calls....

Not quite the same deal, but I thought this would be a could place to mention it.... Had a call a couple weeks ago saying they were with the US Treasury and wanted to give me a grant. The guy had a heavy accent (not sure from where -eastern, indian, ?), but was very pleasant and wanted to send me money. I listened for a couple minutes as he told me how the government was selecting individuals who paid their bills and taxes etc and sending them grant money. Sounded real good till he started asking for account #'s where "they could deposit the money" Really? I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. Apparently people are still falling for this crap or they wouldnt do it. I asked him if he could put it on a Visa gift card (of course I knew the answer) As he was rambling through the types of accounts he could use to 'process my grant' (AKA -clean me out) for the second time, I interupted him to tell him he was full of $hit and then I hung up. This call was on my landline, but my wife had a similar call on her cell phone last week from a diff #, so apparently its a popular scam right now.