Another officer struck :(

I think there are 3 factors to concider. 1) people don't change lanes even though it is the law in most states now. 2) The new led strobe lights are very blinding to drivers which could be a big part of the drivers not seeing the officer,but if they changed lanes it wouldn't be as much of an issue. 3) The officers I see in the 4 states I travel through daily (I'm a truck driver) all approach the curb/shoulder side of the vehicles. A few years back Indiana had lost 3 or 4 troopers in less than a year. Then IL lost a few that same year and year after which prompted the change lanes law because drivers are too stupid to give courtesy to anyone on the side of the road. A good 90% of us truck drivers change lanes for anyone on the side of the road to avoid them getting sucked into our tail wind.