simple kill story...duster vs civic

Posting on the internet that you beat a Civic with a V8 Duster is like posting on the internet that beat 6 year old, in a fist fight, when you were 35 years old.

Im not a Civic fan but I think spending $6000 to move a mid 16 second car to a 13.5 isn't bad.

One time, I beat the crap out of this one six year old... calling me names, from the playground. You shoulda seen her face when she realized I could hop a fence. Oh, wait...

Yeah, I love my Datsun. L20 4 cyl? hmm. There is a website dedicated to swapping engines into those cars.

The engine you want is the Japanese 2000cc I6, DOHC cross flow. Too bad the cars they may come out of are worth about $100k and were never sold here.

I'm personally still waiting for the day that Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers wants to street-race, so I can pop it in reverse and cause a 5 car pile up, retroactively.