Question on Gearvendors overdrive . Is it a basic bolt in operation for a

I'm not an expert on figuring ratios but remember that the GV unit splits
all gears it's not meant for just a final overdrive ( 1st OD - 2nd OD 3rd OD ) so when the .69 is stated that would be in 3rd OD and with that there MAY be too much variance for 1st - 2nd and 2nd - 3rd when using the overdrive unit for each gear change you would want to land as close as possible in the middle ratio on each gear change to try and keep as much constant RPM as you can. Could they make one just for final OD probably but not likely

Like I said. Splitting gears means nothing to me. Maybe if I was towing I would care about it but I'm not.

Personally I'd rather do the extra work and have a trans with a better 1st gear ratio and a lot better od ratio. Now if the GV was only 1000 dollars it would be a different story.