Stuff I do while Truckin


I've always liked the food at TA's. But prefer the food at Flyin' J's.

My old man drove for 25 years. Over 3M miles in that span.

When I went on to become a body man a lot of family friends asked me why I didn't become a driver like my old man. I told 'em because my old man is. I love to travel, I love to drive, but it's the extracurricular activity of being a driver I knew I wouldn't be able to tolerate. Lumpin' loads, dealing with every other idiot on the highway, putting up with dispatchers who think a five hour drive can be done in half an hour because the two cities are only an inch apart on a map.

On the plus side, as a driver's son, it was nice to have a pro teach me how to drive.

Friends in high school asked me why I didn't take driver's ed. I told 'em that I have a professional driver who's taught me how to drive, not some dumbass gym teacher looking to make a few extra bucks. And the dumbass gym teacher was standing right there when I said it.