Flip Top gas cap and adapter

Flip Top gas cap adapter
I decided not to use this on my car. It didn't fit real well on my 68 Valiant. I got the adapter from 4mulaSvaliant a few months ago. He never returned my PM on why it wasn't fitting right. I'm guessing that since everybody else has had great success with these the problem is with my car and not the adapter. I has been drilled and countersunk, poorly cause my drill kept grabbing and so the countersinks are a bit uneven. I payed $38 for the adapter and since its a bit butchered how bout $28 plus the ride.

Flip Top Cap
This thing is ugly! I picked it up at a swap meet for cheap and was going to give it a little attention but Im passing it on. The inside of the lip is chewed up like someone tried to weld on it. The outer edge of the mounting flange is buggered up as well. The seal is cracked and the chrome is pitted a bit. However the latch and spring under the seal work great. $20 plus the ride.

$28 for the adapter+ shipping
$20 for the cap+ shipping
Shipping from Oregon
Paypal excepted