What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

-Stay outside until about 11pm playing hide and seek with the rest of the neighborhood kids.
-Close off our entire block once each year and have a block party!
-Play kickball in the middle of the street without having to worry about some dumba** tearing through the neighborhood at 50mph
-Go to school in the morning, parents go to work, and leave the house completely unlocked all day and not have to worry about someone breaking in
-Watch actual Saturday morning cartoons
-Come home from school every day and watch cartoons until my mom came home at 4:30 and made me change the channel
-Have a TV with two knobs, one for UHF and the other for VHF
-Know that if the wind came from the SW, it was going to push the tree limbs into the antenna on the roof, and our TV reception was going to be sh*tty!