Web page hosting?

Up until February 22, I would have wholeheartedly recommended Dot5 web hosting. It was easy to use, template-based (basically fill out forms that turn into web pages), and their customer service was great. It was under $80 for 2 years, and that included my site's .com registration fee and reserved my website name until the end of time.

BUT ... they recently transitioned their existing accounts to a new platform, Vdeck 3.0. Everything worked fine -- EXCEPT FOR MY WORK SAMPLE PHOTO GALLERY, the most popular section of my website! Now it has a "404 Error" and the pages are GONE.

I HATE IT! It went from being easy to use to requiring a degree in computer engineering. I've been trying to figure out how to get my Gallery back since February 23 ... but it's beyond me.

For the time being (until I get this crap figured out), you can see the work sample photos under the "Color Charts" tab ... I had to upload all the pictures onto photobucket because I couldn't see any alternative, and I'm losing business as a result of the host's transition.

Any computer engineers who wanna give me a hand, I'd be forever in your debt!!!

I Can't help you but I do feel your pain.
I started out at IXwebhosting and I'm still there today only because I'm not sure how or where to go. I could imagine going from bad to worse before reading of your experience.
For me, simply adding a pic to a existing page is impossible. The correct click is there somewhere but dang if I could find it. Egg hunting is for children.
The worst part(s)... the cost has increased quite a bit over the 5+ years. They've made changes claiming "easier" when all they've done is hidden the eggs I had found in different places.
I remember thinking.. " I'll get a customer who is willing to barter what they do for what I do". That never happened.
So now I'm negotiating the sale of the entire business to another vendor.
Yeah that's too much information, blame my attitude. At least I did state where NOT to go for hosting. Good luck to all