Oil Pipeline Right of Way

It appears that the new 36 inch oil pipeline from Alberta to Saint John, New Brunswick is going to literally go through my back yard. The preliminary surveys have been done and they are now doing the land survey phase. They came and saw us and we were given a nice little sum of money to allow them to come on our land for legal and geological surveys. The name of the company is Trans Canada Pipelines.

It appears that the right of way will be within 50 feet of my back door. It can also be assumed that there will be a large amount of heavy equipment traffic on that right of way for some time as a main road goes by the end of my driveway and the intersection would be a focal point.

If I remember the construction process from the gas pipeline near my camp it goes kind of like this. Survey the pipeline, clear pipeline of trees and stumps, scrape pipeline of topsoil for future use, build access road along pipeline, blast rock areas, dig trench and lay pipe, surface recovery and finish with pressure tests and security.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? If you have, would you mind sharing your experience with me? (by PM or email if you prefer is fine) Do you have any advice as far as what can be expected in negotiations? What kind of compensation to expect for the right of way and for the PITA that construction will be? Is there a major difference in compensation between wilderness and residential areas?

Any and all info would be appreciated!!!!!
