block work prices

I have a 340 I'm thinking about putting in my Dart. There is a shop close to me that does this, engine work. I went in today looking at prices. While in there, there was this guy looking for parts for his boat engine. Chrysler marine 318, that this place rebuilt for him. He was NOT complaining, but was happy with their work. So at least they have experience with mopar. I got a list of what I would need, with the exception of rod recondition, which I forgot to add. This is not going to be some MONSTER to drive, something that will go, and not break the bank doing it. I think a 340 with some moderate bolt-on mods will be good enough. I'm talking about just block work here. Prices below. Oh, and since no 500hp monster, I won't get the line hone or deck blocked, engine turns over by hand right now. No extra leverage, just hands on the balancer, heads are loose and no plugs in it.
hot tank-------$69.00
hone only------$82.00
cam bearings---$49.00
freeze plugs----$44.50
final wash------$59.00
crank cleaned, polished, mic'd--$89.00
ground, if needed--$189.00
If lucky and no boring and no crank grind needed I can get away with under #395. Most likely will need boring, price is up to $505.50. More realistic cause bored out is probably needed. I don't have a price for rod reconditioning, maybe cheaper to get new ones. What is the cost for you? Thanks.