My Cooling Improvement Project - Part 2

I took the car out for a drive today and for the first time since 2005 it stayed COOL.
When I left the house the outside temp was 90*.
I drove 10 miles to the hardware store and the temp gauge showed 165*-170* when I stooped.
I was in the hardware store for about 10 minutes. When I came out and started the car the temp gauge showed 175*-180*.
I drove about a block and a half and made another stop. Still around 180*.
I came out and drove to the gas station to fill up.On the way I had to stop at a red light. The temp went to 185*-190*.
As soon as I started moving, the temp dropped back to 180*. I stopped at the gas station and the temp went to 185*-190*.
I left to goto the auto parts store about a mile farther down the road and the temp dropped back to 180*.
After coming out of the auto parts store, the temp was again at 185*-190* and again dropped to 180* while driving.
I drove the 11 miles home and the temp held between 180*-185* all the way.
The outside temp when I got home was 91.9*.
I THINK I MAY have my cooling problem FIXED.

Since the loss of the radiator I have changed or added the following things.
1 - New Wizard Cooling Radiator
2 - 6 blade Air Conditioning Water Pump with "Home-Brewed" Cavitation Plate
3 - Change Crank and Water Pump Pulleys to 1.4:1 Air Conditioning Ratio
4 - Welded up frame and shroud for Dual 11" Spal Paddle Blade Fans and mounted to new radiator.
5 - Added a new factory hood to radiator core support seal to the AAR SixPac fiberglass hood.
6 - Blocked the holes in both sides of the core support.

When I get time I will now go back to my EFI setup and try to get it tuned.
For now I am a HAPPY CAMPER. I can drive my car and it is not getting HOT.
