What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

Driving my pickup to school at 13.

Being clocked at 137 in a 55 in my '70 Challenger, and then sitting in the ditch for an hour BS'n with the sheriff about his fast cars when he was a teenager. No ticket either.

Following the local constable around town idling along in reverse because we were bored.

Occasionally bumming a beer off the local sheriff.

Skipping school to ride dirt bikes on the Pecos River. Go into town at lunch, eat a burger, gas up and take off again. Usually some kids from neighboring towns there too. Now they call the cops and fine the parents if you skip. Hell, sometimes we just needed a day off.

Spending 30 minutes seeing who could cut the wildest donut in the middle of the main drag.

Going into the grocery store with Mom and coming out 30 minutes later to find the '67 Plymouth is still semi-running on oilpatch drip gas with the key off. How that old 318 lasted 197,000 beats me........

Putting a dime in the old style Coke machines that had the bottles hanging on racks by the neck, and eating frozen Snickers bars kept in the same machine.

Eating a burger at the local drug store while reading a comic book you just bought.

Looking at the toys and model cars in a Gibson's or Wacker's store.

Bottle rocket wars on the main drag with 10-12 kids on each side of the street. Heaven help anyone who drove through the middle of it.

Going Trick or Treating and not worrying about the candy.

Burning your school's letters on a rival's football field for the Homecoming game.

Getting in a fist fight without worrying about getting shot or cut. Whoever got their butt kicked excepted that fact and went on with their rat mashin'.