help a fallen vets widow sale

Hey people ,this is kind of off topic its more a natural tragedy sale tho
this is a very sad loss to us here and my friend Bonnie that is a mopar fan too, the only woman I know who had a 440 charger back in the day.
Bonnies husband Richard Story passed away on dec 29 2112 they owned 2 local taverns and were the best friend we all could want .I am trying to help her sell there estate off so I have been real buisy away from fabo and know will miss a raceday at Byron speedway this weekend ,to try to unload some of her belongings I am asking for your help to raise cash for her as she lost dick and now 1 bar to a fire , this is all stuff for our shops so please help with a serious donation for a beer sign to lite up the walls of our shops while we work hard and go to grab a cold 1. I would like to see 75.00 a sign they are very nice and all work gr8 if you cant afford 75.00 50 will do .this is NOT FOR ME it is for a fallen Vietnam vets widow ,I am just doing him a favor back for FIGHTING A DUBMASS WAR FOR US so please help if you were not there I ask that you be patient as I will be 3 times buisy but ,APPRICIATE MORE THAN I CAN ASK, some of these are vintage they will be asked for at least 250.00 please help me and use common sense when seeing very old neons and new 1s wedo have sportsters ,and other bike parts too ,this garage and house is packed to the roof , if you see something in a picture just ask ,if you might want it .THANKS FREINDS ,AND SAY A PRAYER FOR BONNIE PLEASE ,and I would like to personally thank all you vets out there that fought for me and my family. pm me direct sorry if I screw this up to any 1 . BID WITH A HEART please thank you. jon many more lights than I can post can we start with these first please ,$75 includes shipping