One of the reasons

Joey, I think your car is very nice. Like you I am a hotrodder and that is the direction I'm going with my 64 Dart.Was it hard to make everything work correctly when you moved the push button to the trans tunnel ? I like that look and may borrow your idea if you don't mind.I'm an old guy too and have always liked to march to the beat of a different drummer.

It was simply building a box starting with the face, removing the push button system from its stock location along with the plastic surround where the buttons come through and making the new face to match the button assembly, once that is done, assemble the box by welding and than install the push buttons. You may need to relocate the cables to whatever hole in the firewall so the cable doesn't crimp. It's just a simple setup making it easier to push the buttons on my transmission because it's a manual valve body..

Hope this helps