thinking about the new msd atomic efi system

I have the 390hp engine and have been playing with my carb quite a bit. I believe you have the same intake as I do, the m1 single plane. Mine def. needs to warm up for quite some time before it starts behaving. EFI would make things easier i'm sure, but I also wonder if these crates have more cam then the Atomic can handle.
FWIW i'm thinking of swapping my M1 out for a Air Gap since my car is 100% street and I know the drivablility of this engine could be improved.

i have a mopar 380 hp crate engine : and i have a chokeless 700 cfm my set-up is better with a 750 but since i have 3.23 gears jet changes had been done to reduce the cfm ... the car runs very good but its too bad that i have to nurse it the morning and late at night i feel bad too to heat it for few seconds-minutes .... maybe im better off Learning about carbs a little more and learn about them myself, im not very rich and i try to do whatever i can to have some money to run my cars ...