What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

I don't know if this topic has ever been done before but I thought it would be fun for us "experienced" guys to list some things that we were able to do while growing up that our kids, most likely, will never have the opportunity to do. This will show our younger FABO members just how much the world has changed - and probably not for the better.
I'll start off with some things that come to mind. I know there will be more.
Oh, and I grew up in SoCal just east of Los Angeles, not out in the country somewhere.

* Sit on my dad's lap and steer the car while he works the pedals
* Go to sleep on the package tray staring out through the rear window at all the stars while my parents drove on an all-night vacation drive
* Walk to the movies with my friends and spend most all of Saturday at the matinee - cartoons and two full-length movies, probably westerns
* Ride in the bed of a pickup truck with my friends while one of their dads drove us somewhere
* Take off on my bicycle right after breakfast during the summer and go anywhere we wanted with my friends and not have to check in with our parents - as long as we were home before the street lights went on at night
* Dial a rotary telephone
* Sneak into the drive-in movie in the trunk of a friends car

OK, that's just a couple. Let's hear from the rest of you.....

Build and race wooden coaster karts down the street we lived on. It was on a hill. Babycarriage wheels, axles and clothesline rope steering, only brakes were the heels of your shoes lol.

Play whiffle ball or stick ball in the street. We painted bases on the street lol.

Playing manhunt. Its like playing hide n go seek but with teams.

Catching fireflys, i dont ever see them anymore.

never wearing seatbelts. my dad thought they were a nusance, he used to cut em out of every car we owned till it became law to wear them LOL