Nor-Cal '73 Swinger

Well Ladies & Gentleman...

I just signed the contract to purchase my 1st home. Jacob & I will be home owners when escrow closes on July 12th. I'm crazy excited and anxious. I'm sure progress on the Dart will slow for a while as money will become non existant as I'm sure any of you single parent homeowners can attest. That said I have a few projects I'd like to complete before all Hell breaks loose for 'Ol Saetun!

They are, in no particular order:
1) Transgo TF-2 Installed
2) 8.75 rear w/ 3.23 gears installed
3) Console brackets, shifter & linkage as well as console itself installed and functional.

If I can get these complete before the house I'd be happy to just work on what I've got & drive it to death until I free up some breathing room. I'll keep y'all posted on how it plays out.
