What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

I'm only 28 and have done many of these things but it also helped growing up in a rural area i'm sure. I remember riding in back portion of my grandfathers 63 split window corvette. There's only two seats in those things lol. I had a little fold up chair he would put in front of the back glass and thats where i would sit. Waving at cops and everyone else. Had bb gun wars, hauling hay not real fun there but i don't see to many kids doing it anymore. When i was 12 or 13 i would drive my grandfathers rusted 66 charger down dirt roads to go fishing at the creek with buddy's. Dad just droping us off in town to go to movies and the drug store for ice cream. Yes my little town still has to this day a scoop of ice cream for a nickel.