Quick question trans linkage between power train options in Mopar vehicles

Yes Rob, we had the baby. We could not agree on a name for 4-5 months so we ended up naming her after my grandfather: Star. She is my latest project (I think God knows my sense of humor) because she is extremely beautiful & healthy but needs leg braces/harness for a few months to "create sockets in her hips(?)" for her femurs to fit into.
Hip dysplasia is what the doctor calls it. We have a Pediatric orthopedic surgeon whose daughter had the same thing. If socialized medicine needed to be there for me, one important time, it finally came through. All the quacks say this is no big deal, so I am down with that. She might start off walking bow legged though, so I am gonna buy her some cowboy/cowgirl out fits and video record those first few steps.

Not allot of sleep. Helping with labor has scarred my mind. I nearly hurt the mother-in-law that stayed with us for three weeks. Our families gave us every thing but the bling-bling stroller wheels. Changing diapers isn't bad, but she can shoot like a super-soaker water gun; if i hold her backwards and point her at you, I have an unlicensed bio-weapon. When it starts to smell, I am gonna hold her up and rob a diaper store.