have you ever seen a $100,000 Duece

so what are the guidelines? you guys are all experts in every type of car built and any mods that may or may not be done.. what won best of show over that car??

the problem with all makes shows is there is no one that can fairly judge all the types of cars that can/will show up. everyone has a certain car that catches their eye a little more, every car is different and there are subtle things that can and are customized on different make/model cars that a lot of guys will never pick up on. the best modifications out there are the ones you don't know are there because they make it look like the car was built like that originally. thats all i'm saying..

I am only speaking for this show, as the guidelines can be different for every show, but this show looks at body, paint, trim, windows, lights, tires, wheels, trunk, interior, dash, engine, engine bay, and overall presentation. There may be more sections; I'm going from memory. All of the areas break down even further, e.g., dash breaks down to instrument panel and heater/air conditioning controls. Each area is judged for condition and cleanliness.

I do not know what won best of show as I left as soon as I finished my judging responsibilities; maybe Bill knows. As I mentioned in a previous post, there are bonus points for those that make it to the final judging. That vehicle was not able to receive all of the bonus points as it did not have the required items. However, the show participants know what the bonus items are before their cars are judged. This particular show has final judging bonuses for cleanliness and condition of undercarriage and wether or not the vehicle includes a tool kit, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and flashlight.

Nobody in my club ever claimed to be experts in all brands. We do not create the guidelines; we are provided guidelines and we judge to those guidelines.