have you ever seen a $100,000 Duece

I've heard the term, but it takes a few catalog images in my mind in the conversation, before I'm on the same page when I'm talking to someone about a Chev. II

$100k easy.

Colorado charges about 35k on a rotisserie body/ paint. That's where they start. Some go up to $80k (likely custom body fab work, there.) That gets you a complete shell and front end.

You forget how much work can go into it until you see the under side painted, gaps controlled perfectly, firewalls shaved and all that business.

Cars like that are built, test fitted, completely torn back down, painted and reassembled. Ask me how I know.

I've heard of $90k Dodge Demons that I've seen in person. Hard figure to swallow until you try to pick it apart and can't. Then you start breaking it all down in your head and begin to see how.

That guy didn't do all the work on the interior, unless he is an owner of an upholstery shop with a lot of experience. The '59 Dodge that painted and put a 6.1 AEM controlled hemi into went out to an upholstery shop and looked like *** when we got it back at $6k. Vinyl on the inside of the trunk velcro install, weighed down the decklid so that it wouldn't stay open, no piping, paint flaking on door handles... Oh yeah, and they ran something into the pass side fender trim and "fixed" it for me. They "fixed" it so well, that it is in need of replacing. I could have put it back to shape and sent it through a few rounds on the polisher, but it's stretched beyond reasonable repair, now, over a replacement core part to work on.

Good work isn't cheap anymore, unless you are in the biz. That's just how things are, now.
Wow what a beauty-is that a Studebaker in the background?