1967 Barracuda Wiper wiring

I started my 68 at about the same time.
I have a new year one dash harness but cannot figure out how to connect my wiper switch.
None of the plugs fit the variable wiper switch or a 2sp switch I have...
I was pretty sure that I ordered a harness for a 3sp wiper....

Anyone have a pic of a 68 switch and plug?

The switches I have might be from a different year.

We bought a year one harness for my son's 71 valiant and it did not have the wiring for the heater blower... WTF?

I may be able to get a pic of a 68 and/or 67 barracuda wiper motors if you all need one. I can check tomorrow morning. I have both a 67 & 68 Barracuda.