Do you believe in mediums?

I believe in them. Call me naive, but I don't see how someone like Lisa Williams or Teresa Caputo can walk up to people on the street and be correct about so many things pertaining to their friends or relatives who have passed.

Sure, I'll bet there's a whole slew of fakes too.

I do that to people *all* the time, well not about their dead relatives. I have a knack for reading peoples body language, vocal tones, how they carry themselves. Just as a scar will reveal that you had a cut in the past is pretty much the same thing I can do. I impressed a 46 year old lady and her 15 year old daughter with this little parlor trick of mine.

I asked if I could light a cigarette. The lady said "smoking is the devil"

1. She's religious
2. She's smoked at least once in the past

After more questions and observations, simple occams razor stuff told me she's had a hard life, hella religious mom, alcoholic father, been divorced, has issues with men. Her daughter was insecure, slightly embarrassed by her mom etc etc. You can tell plenty about people through simple things like that, although when it comes to knowing about dead relatives that's sort of a 'battleship' game of guessing, no more different than applying logical indirect questions etc.

My fiance believes in stuff like this, I love and respect her and will give the benefit of doubt and give it some legitimacy myself as science hasn't fully explained everything about the human mind let alone psychology and theres all that DNA/RNA/Sixth sense thingie doodles.