Does anyone have an idiot neighbour?

I had an Idiot nextdoor once.
The guy was Moron.
I had a property line dispute with him.
Spent $800 to have my property surveyed, he still ignored it.
I had a fence on two sides of my back yard & young children at the time. I wanted to bring the fence next to him down to my corner of my house to fence the kids in.
This guy even moved a storage buildin 8" while I was at the lake one weekend.
I came home early & found him moving the building.
That pissed me off, so I found a fencing guy that Monday.
I didn't care about the 8", I was only going to be there 5 years.
Well, I had the fence guy run my fence to the front corner, instead of the back corner.
This allowed me to capture his boat. He had a light pole cemeted in the ground to lock his boat to & would pull onto my property to move it from behind the pole.
I lived there another 4 years, & he never got his boat out again. LOL