getting pissed off!

Here's some information that might help. I am using the limiter which I purchased from RTE on my 64 dart. They are no longer in business so I'm not sure what would be the correct one to use instead. The picture from ebay looks similar to the one I used but not exact. You might call D & M Restoration (800-722-0854) and ask them what type of limiter you could use. They mentioned the ir9 limiter which looks like the one on ebay below but when I told them I had the internal limiter they got sort of confused. Here is a link on the ir9 limiter.

I didn't disable my own fuel gauge but had it done by someone. They used the type of external limiter shown here which worked but the response on the gauge seemed a little slow. With the limiter I got from RTE the gauge comes up pretty quickly after a 3-4 second delay.

Good luck!

The limiter I bought from RTE engineering works for me but they are no longer in business. Here's one on ebay that looks similar, though not exact.

General gauge guidelines from RTE.

Awesome this was the info i was looking for. thank u soo much for helping with with the pics and being clear. very much helped me.