We've had a little rain here in Alberta........Pics and vids later in the thread

X2 what Darryl said. Nobody knew when I started this thread what was coming. It was a funny pic to start but that was then. Alberta is in recovery mode now. This has devastated many homes, let alone complete towns. 10 inches of rain in the hills in 3 days has left a pretty good scar. But the people, like Darryl, are pulling together to overcome this tragedy. The best part of this is that there were very few casualties, in the line of lives lost. As you guys said, material can be replaced.
Keep up the great spirit you are promoting Darryl.

Thank you gdrill

It takes a tragedy to wake some of us up including me. Some of us take
day to day life for granted and complain at the smallest not important
The one thing that really gets me is how some of us talk to each other.
It happens here and it happens everywhere . Who every we are, we
should talk to one another with respect.
I just rambling off here >young and old,rich or poor,male or female,
black or white,smart or not so smart, strong or weak. Never look down on someone.

With this flood I notice that everyone is being respectful to one another.
This was not the case before the flood,most everyone was living a fast
life.me me me go go go complain complain complain,put a little water(lots)
in the mix and now we realize why did I act that way or why did I complain about that smallest thing.

I am guilty of these also. We have to look at ourselfs in the mirror.
Is it going to take a tragedy to change us?

It happen to me when I lost my wife. I have changed. I am not who I use
to be.
