getting pissed off!

I disabled the cluster Vreg in my 65 Dart by sliding heat shrink over the wound arm. I don't like permanently bending stuff. I got an electronic one off ebay for ~$25. I just bought another for my 64 Valiant a few weeks ago, from jprettypink or such. Search for "Plymouth" and "voltage limiter". The 2nd one is different, in a small enclosure. The 1st one was a bare circuit board that you Velcro to the back of the cluster. You need ring terminals for yours. If your fuel gage itself is fried, that is much harder to fix. I never tried fixing the gage in my 65 Newport, I just installed a little under-dash LED one. Look for one for Mopars or one with multiple resistance ranges. BTW, the Vreg was in the fuel gage in all cars w/ the Rallye dash (tachometer) until ~1973.