Work Rant.

at this point in my life , I wouldn`t put up w/ it. I`D NOT SAY A WORD(YEA, RIGHT)and go look for a job every day untill something happened.If it comes back on u, tell people that are interveiwing u that he cursed at u, and u won`t take that. or tell them to go suck a rope!! and walk out leaving them short handed. lifes too short to put up w/ much bull/!~" .
I have run into a couple things here where I work,(got a couple of backstabbers,that are always trying to run things that don`t concern them) a lot of people try to make theirself look good at someones elses expense, I told them how the cow eats the cabbage, and won`t put up w/ it.
like I said ,lifes too short to put up w / too much. just the way I look at it!--bob:finga:

holy hard to read mess batman..

at your point in life? what exactly is that? probably a lot different place then the OP.

its totally different depending on the job and age of a person.. i agree you need to stand up for yourself but to deny and go out looking for a fight because you are given busy work is just stupid. its not like like the dude was told to do something unethical or dangerous. he was told to water the plants.. to me this sounds like a non-skilled starter type of job. i'm sure there are tons of people that would be happy doing that work. and like stated already if he hates it so much look for more work then quit. no one is holding a gun to his head to stay there. sounds like to me that the OP is really naive to how this work in the real world.

had a guy at work that used to ***** every time the supervisor told the maint crew to mop up the plant.. he would ***** and complain about it. his standard line was i'm a gold seal i shouldn't be mopping floors... i would tell the idiot, yo douchebag you are making $35 an hour. who cares..know how many people would kill to make half that to mop a floor? in reality the supervisor was taking it easy on the guys. it was always a friday that they did this and it was just stuff to make them look busy so the the plant supervisor (a real micro manager) wouldn't catch the idiots just sitting around. i'd much rather mop a floor then be in the oily engine pit, pulling a valve or some other killer and dirty work on a freaking friday.