73 Duster Twister Cally car

Man for that price you could have at least cleaned and detailed the car before taking the pics
And used the correct side stripes (Not even factory style stripes) and put the correct hood blackout on it (It is a 73 Duster not 72)
Also there was no option for rear only wheel well trim

ur right I was in a hurry to post this before I left town.I'll clean it & repost pics when I get back. As for those stripes;Those were the exact fact stripes that were on the car when I got it.On page 18 of Graphic express's catolog shows those same stripes in black for 73-74 Duster.as for rear w/o trim option;could'nt find just a set of fronts (they were missing).
The hood stripes were added for a customer that was buying the car,then ran out of money.
I personally would have liked to totaly redone this car back to original.And can still be done easy enough. When cust. backed out...it is what it is.Price is neg.