Is A New Chrsyler A Patriotic Purchase?

About as American as Hyundai. Oh wait, Hyundai builds cars here...and they don't seem to fall apart within 5-7 years. FIAT, never known for being a quality brand-translation "I don't think I'll be buying anything they touch. It's all S."

The biggest expense to building a car is the labor. And let's not forget how many parts are 'contractor' parts, so the argument of "The profits go overseas," holds a lot less water. Those are net profits. What the workers, dealers, techs, et cetera do with the cash they make off working on said products can stem that tide as well. Also, if that were such an all-encompassing statement, why would GM have needed a bail-out? They make a helluva a lot of cars in China (not the mention Europe and Australia), so those profits should have held them over if that statement was 100% truthful